Every day our hair is exposed to the harsh environment: sun, wind, hard water. Moreover — we color, tone, dry, straighten, curl, style hair. All these factors also have a negative impact on their condition.

We've rounded up the best tips and tricks to help your hair respond better to all stimuli.

What else affects the condition of the hair?

Family. External stimuli have a significant impact, but it is heredity that is the determining factor in the structure and condition of the hair. But there are no "bad" and "good" hair, there is a right and wrong care for them.

Care. It is the care procedures that can correct the shortcomings of the hair and enhance its advantages.

Food. Hair is 97 % protein — keratin. Abuse of diets and an unbalanced diet — direct path to hair damage and other health problems.

Scalp condition. The condition of the hair depends very much on the intensity of the work of the sebaceous glands on the head. If you have problems with dry or oily hair, first of all take care of choosing the right shampoo.

Stress. Stress hormones affect the weakening of the hair follicle, which can lead to both split ends and hair loss.

How to prevent hair damage?

  • See your stylist regularly. A competent master will not only pick up a good hairstyle, but will be able to help with high-quality and appropriate care.
  • Use thermal protection. At first glance, this is not an essential product. However, the use of thermal protection directly affects the condition of your hair.
  • Be sure to dry your hair after washing. Remember that wet hair is the most vulnerable to external stimuli and breaks more easily.
  • Take care of your scalp as well as your hair. Choose the right shampoo for your hair type.
  • Choose a brush that suits your hair. This will help prevent unnecessary hair injury.
  • Eat and sleep sparingly. It makes no sense to use expensive products if hair problems come from internal rather than external stimuli.

How to repair damaged hair?

Many women practice homemade hair masks based on alcohol, gelatin, kefir, eggs, and even chili peppers. This may be an additional option in your care, however, at best, home remedies do not affect the hair, and at worst — damage and injure them even more.

Beauty salons offer a wide variety of hair restoration treatments. During times of war, however, regular professional grooming may not be possible. In this case, experts advise purchasing professional products that are suitable for home care and perform their tasks effectively.

How do I repair split ends?

Split Hair Repair — this is not an easy task and its success depends on the degree of the hit. Severely damaged hair, unfortunately, is best cut. However, in some cases, hair can be helped with proper care.

Try to find a moisturizer that will help your hair get timely hydration and nourishment and use it regularly. For severe split ends, we also suggest turning to a professional tool — reconstructor Raywell BIO CACTUS. This full-length treatment for shinier, softer hair has been proven time and again.

How to restore hair after bleaching?

Hair lightening is perhaps the most traumatic hair procedure. Make sure it is done by an experienced craftsman. Ask him first what products he will use and check if they are safe.

After bleaching your hair, you can use in-salon restoration treatments such as biolamination or elution. However, a more important factor is daily care and changing your routine.

Here are the best tips for caring for bleached hair:

  • Choose a sulfate- and paraben-free shampoo, and optionally — color-protecting moisturizer
  • Use masks and conditioners regularly. Ultramoisturizing Beaver Ultra Moisture Conditioner may be a good choice for dry, dull and brittle hair that is color treated regularly.
  • Use a heat protectant on your hair and minimize contact with hot hair dryers, curling irons or flat irons.< /span>

How to repair dry hair?

Top Causes of Dry Hair — aggressive care products and overheating. Of course, many other factors affect dry hair, such as chlorinated water and improper drying. However, you can help dry hair with these tips:

  • Don't hurt your hair again. Take care of thermal protection, a delicate comb and a hair dryer on a cold setting.
  • View the media you are using. Replace your regular mask with a moisturizing and nourishing one. And also make sure that your shampoo and mask are complimentary. Select, for example, a ruler from Envie RIGENERANTE ARGAN Shampoo and Envie RIGENERANTE ARGAN Mask.
  • Change how often you wash your hair based on their needs.
  • Use regular moisturizers

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